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BMW May Have Sins In Their Past, But Are Looking Toward A Bright Future Of 100 More Years

Posted by admin on March 12th, 2016 in Category Car News, Site News, Uncategorized, World Charities (no responses)

The history of BMW is checkered and interesting to follow, but they are still here today, and looking forward to more to come. BMW celebrated its 100th birthday in Munich this week by reveling in past achievements and suggesting some important ones to come, but investors only asked, what has the company done for us lately.

And surprisingly, given the 100 years covered some parts of history best forgotten; BMW bravely came up with a full frontal apology.

In a long statement headlined “BMW Group The Next 100 years,” the company pointed to the 1930s and 1940s, when under the National Socialist regime it operated exclusively as a supplier to the German arms industry.

“As demand for BMW aero engines increased, forced laborers, convicts and prisoners from concentration camps were recruited to assist with manufacturing them. To this day, the enormous suffering this caused and the fate of many forced laborers remains a matter of the most profound regret,” BMW said.

BMW is organizing a world tour to talk about future opportunities and change for it and the auto industry in general in the next 100 years. The BMW Vision 100 tour will end in the Los Angeles in October. The tour will discuss –

The opportunities opened up through digitalization and connectivity

The increasing role of technology in our lives

BMW Group’s vision of a sustainable future

The company’s commitment to expand its efforts as a good corporate citizen

Investors though have more pressing concerns.

Morgan Stanley analyst Harald Hendrikse worried that in the fourth quarter of 2015, BMW’s profit margin may have slipped beneath the long-term target of eight to 10 per cent.

“We forecast an Auto EBIT (earnings before interest and tax) margin of 7.7 per cent for Q4 2015, below the eight per cent lower limit of the target range,” Hendrikse said.

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